Livin El Sueno


Monday, January 18, 2010 vez mas

We experienced an earthquake here this morning...apparently a lasted a pretty long time, but I don't think it's caused much damage. At least here, it just made the water in the swimming pool sloosh back and forth. But, from what we've heard, the rest of the country seems to be fine. With everything going on in Haiti seemed scarier than normal.

I went to Libertad today with Claudia and her 2 farewell trip. This time I brought my camera, and I got some pretty good snipes...if I would have had Chado's camera from Europe Semester, I could have gotten some AMAZING ones. Unfortunately, my camera is not the most inconspicuous for this type of shooting. I would have loved to have gotten some shots on the bus ride, but the bus conditions today did not allow for such pursuits. I was too busy trying to keep the stick shift out of my butt(...that's what she said...) and trying to keep myself from singlehandedly causing the driver to steer us off a cliff.

When we boarded the bus, I was pretty certain we had to be the last passengers, and that there was really no way we could fit any more people. We were standing at the front of the bus and the entire aisle way, front to back, was completely full. And, I wasn't kidding earlier...I was literally as close to the driver as was possible without sitting on his lap. And yet, we continued to pull over and acquire more passengers. After loading 10 more people, I became convinced that this was a magic bus...or that it operated like long as you fit the passengers into the right spots, some of them disappeared to make more room. Whatever the didn't change the fact that my rear became all too acquainted with the shifter. Every time the driver changed gears (keep in mind that buses have more than the standard 5 speed...thus, more shifting), the stick shift or the driver's arm would more than graze my bum. Meanwhile, all my energy and strength was spent holding on to the last bit of the bar on the ceiling and trying my best to keep my entire body from slamming into the driver. I was already the "chele" on the bus...didn't want to draw any more attention to myself by causing an accident.

But...we made it. Today we went to the port side of Libertad where the fishermen's pier is located. We had some shrimp ceviche and minutas (their version of shaved ice) and strolled down the pier to check out all the fish. Afterward, we went back to the same market we were at last week...and paid another visit to the less than sanitary quasi butcher shop. I got a couple pics of it...but they were giving me weird looks, so I didn't get a chance to do a full expose. And this time, I was introduced to more of my unknown boyfriends and lovers, but luckily, I didn't have to use, "No tocas!" at all today. I think it helped that I was holding Claudia's daughter's hand.

The bus we took home was the party bus! It was a typical public transportation bus from the outside...but pimped out on the inside. Well, about as pimped out as you'll see in these parts. It had a TV at the front with a subwoofer and speakers all throughout. We watched the best of Daddy Yankee's music videos...which pretty much just consisted of whorish dancers...but Daddy's got some jams. Had I known this bus was equipped with all of this, I would have opted to stand on the ride home too...let the rhythm take you over...bailamos! However, I was sitting with the little ones, who were talking to me nonstop in Spanish...I don't think they've picked up that I have no idea what they're saying the majority of the time. Not to mention with music blasting and wind whipping through the bus. I just smile and nod. Good times!

And with time here has come to a close. I went for my last swim in the ocean and said all my goodbyes to my new friends and the kids. It was especially hard saying goodbye to Eliana and John. It's the last time I'll get to read them bedtime stories for months. There is definitely a lot I'm going to miss...and from the weather forcast at home, the sun will be at the top of the list. Hoping for smooth sailing at the airport Milly's. Excited to see many of you soon!

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