Livin El Sueno


Friday, December 18, 2009

Ten Day Assessment

Here is my evaluation of the superior and inferior aspects of El Salvador in comparison to Los Estados Unidos thus far...

-Ocean Water Temperature
-Animal Crackers...I think the secret is tons of sugar
-Coca's just better than Diet Coke
-Size of 'Otter Pop' type frozen treats
-Strength and solidarity of ants...5 were witnessed carrying a whole Pringle chip...teamwork makes the dream work!
-Availability and placement of hammocks
-Sun intensity
-Shopping center and restaurant security...there is always at least one man standing guard with a semi-automatic weapon in ready position
-Jugo de fresas frescas
-Consistently large waves
-Amount of beach space per person...most times it feels like you have your own private beach
-Limited need for clothes, showers (might be up for dispute), makeup, etc.
-Defensive driving skills
-Tranquil lifestyle
-Frequency of firework displays


-Internet access...ergo, inability to play Word Twist
-Postal service...not to be confused with the music group most popularly known for the song "Such Great Heights"
-Lack of foods containing fiber...which may be intentional due to the inferior plumbing
-Ice Cream
-No Trader Joe's or any place to find good veggies for that matter
-Lack of hot water...although cold showers are generally more preferable in this heat anyway
-Food packaging...everything comes in a bag...mayonnaise, beans, sour cream, etc.
-Price of juice, toys, and boogie boards
-Lack of people who understand and appreciate "Arrested Development" and/or "The Office" references
-Sour candy...definitely should have brought a bigger supply from home
-Frequency of bug bites


  1. Lack of Brian should have been on there Becky...gosh!

  2. Bro- that's just too obvious...goes without saying or typing for that matter. Plus, word around the water cooler is that you are thinking about coming? Come on!!

  3. the inability to have long and rambling conversations with yours truly at your leisure?

    duh, becks.

  4. alright...I'm sensing that my list wasn't as exhaustive as some would have time I'll include everything...even those things that would be deemed T.M.I.
